Friday, February 2, 2007

Direct Instruction - Word skills

Today's lesson had two goals:
  1. Students wrote a survey to ask a parent, teacher, or adult friend about their career.
  2. Skills focus: Word formatting, numbering, indents, and styles.
Using the career questionaire as the topic, I asked students to brainstorm and write questions they could ask a parent, teacher, or adult friend about their career. I used this lesson to teach some specific skills in Word:
  • How to write their name of the paper: View / header and footer / type name and assignment name
  • Quickly review keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+S=save, Ctrl+Z=Undo, Ctrl+B=Bold
  • Using the "gutter" to select one line or a paragraph
  • Identifying the indent markers when you choose number formatting
  • Purpose of styles, how to apply and modify them.
  • Using line spacing for questionaire.
I ran out of time. On Monday I will follow up with customizing numbering styles and how to use the indent markers.

Since this format of teaching Word skills is new to me I feel that I need to make sure the students have reference information to refer to when I introduce a new concept. I have decided to add a page to our Career wiki for specific skills (ie: definitions, how to's) and add additional resources for more assistance. I will direct student to the wiki when I introduce a skill and I will base future vocabulary quizzes on this material @

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