Thursday, December 7, 2006

Observation - Class Survey Planning

Thursday: Data Collection & Charts - authentic audience

Students will design a survey to gather information about their classmates. This information will then be graphed and placed on the school Intranet website.

Day 1 Procedures:
  1. Students were broken into groups according to grade level. They discussed which information they are interested in gathering.
  2. Once they chose a topic, they opened Excel and decided a format for gathering their data.
  3. Students printed off data gathering spreadsheets.
  4. Students have until Monday to collect data from theirclassmates (minimum: 30 responses)
Day 1: Observations

  1. # of Groups: 2 freshmen, 1 sophomore, 1 junior, 3 senior (2 absent)
  2. The students immediately were engaged in the activity.
  3. It did not take long for the groups to decided on a topic.
  4. Several commented they liked the idea of publishing their results on the Valiant Pride Intranet site.
  5. In two of the groups, it seemed like several of the students were engaged and one student wasn't as involved in the planning of the survey.
  6. Three groups needed direction in setting up of their data spreadsheets.
  7. All students left with data sheets for the surveys by the end of the period.

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